Museum Hours: 10AM to 5PM. Open Friday - Sunday.

302 Coyotes Bay Area Mustang Club Toy Drive

  • December 16, 2023
  • 11:00 am

Join the Festivities at the 302 Coyotes Bay Area Mustang Club Toy Drive

Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Date: Saturday, December 16th, 2023

Location: Museum Courtyard and Plaza Parking Lot

Rev up your holiday spirit with the roar of Mustangs at the 302 Coyotes Bay Area Mustang Club Toy Drive! Witness an impressive display of over 100 iconic cars, from vintage classics to the latest models, all converging in the BHM Courtyard and Plaza Parking Lot for a day of community, camaraderie, and charity.

In the season of giving, we invite you to bring joy to a child's heart. Visit the toy drive box located in the museum lobby and donate a new, unopened toy. Your generous contribution not only brightens a child's holiday but also rewards you with a special discounted admission of $10 to explore the wonders of the Blackhawk Museum.

Come be a part of this special event where passion for cars and compassion for community drive us forward. Let's accelerate into the holiday season with full hearts and a throttle of excitement!