Museum Hours: 10AM to 5PM. Open Friday - Sunday.

Event Calendar

Speaker Series

Blackhawk Museum holds a long tradition of hosting a diverse field of Speakers, Lectures and Experts in Their Field for the benefit of members and patrons.  Over the years our guests have included experts in art and design, history and natural history.  We welcome authors, biologist and scientist to educate our patrons further on the automobile, cultural artifacts and practices, as well as pursuits in nature and historical events. Check our events calendar for upcoming engagements at our venue.

Car Shows

The Museum invites Bay Area car clubs to display their vehicles in our courtyard on the weekends. If you are a part of a car club that is interested in hosting a car show event at the Museum, kindly follow the provided link to complete a request form. We are delighted to provide a unique venue for your vehicles to be displayed and look forward to hosting your club.

Blackhawk Museum Car Show
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